Special Promotions

Economic Stress?

Experiencing an economic hardship? Don't want to drop another dime on a self-help book that might be full of guru platitudes and hyped-up sales pitches? I don't blame you. I was once you. The good news is this: If you qualify, I give away tons of FREE books. The bad news? It will cost you 10 minutes, a postage stamp, and a letter.


Served, or serving in the armed forces? Well if you are, you're my hero. Drop me a short note and any proof of service (photo in uniform is best!) and I will send ya a book. Thank you for your service! It's because of you guys like me are able to live their dreams!


Friend or loved one incarcerated? Stuck in the prison library right now? No worries, send me a short note and I'll send you a book. (Sorry, this book won't be hollowed out!)


Trying to get back on your feet and your life straightened out? Mail me a short note about your story and tell me where and how long you were incarcerated and I'll send you a book.

Laid Off or Fired

Sorry to hear about your job loss but in my opinion, it probably was the best thing that could happen to you. Send me a copy of your "pink slip" or "termination letter" and I'll send you a book. Please, make sure it happened it the last 3 months, not 3 years ago.

Single Mommys

I watched my mother tirelessly raise three ruthless children, me being one of them. Kids are a full-time job and I know it. Drop me a short note and Ill send you a book.

  Instructions for Redemption: Mail your letter to the following address:

Viperion Publishing - Dept SP
Attn: MJ DeMarco
5513 W 11000 N #161
Highland UT 84003

Don't forget to include your return address! I can't send you a free book if you don't tell me where to send it!
PLEASE NOTE:These offers are for USA only. Outside of the US, please include your email address for a digital, emailed copy.